The marble industry in Greece represents an important factor in the country’s economy and plays an important role in the global marble market. With careful management and a focus on sustainable practices, it is well positioned to continue to thrive in the coming years. The training of executives in modern practices of the marble industry is a prerequisite for its modernization and is a central objective of the Postgraduate Program “Modern Exploitation of Marble and Natural Stones”.
The MSc provides postgraduate students with a deep understanding of modern techniques and practices governing the marble and natural decorative stone exploitation industry. From geology and mining, to processing and the latest trends in the global market, the program offers a comprehensive education that empowers tomorrow’s professionals and is an excellent opportunity for those seeking to evolve in the field of marble and natural stone exploitation. Upon completion of their studies, the graduates of the MSc have developed skills and abilities related to the modern exploitation of marble and natural stones, and in particular:
- The geology and economic geology of marble and other natural stone deposits, with emphasis on Greece.
- The exploration of deposits of marble and other natural stones, especially in matters of sampling and characterization.
- The development of geological and reserve models of marble deposits and other natural stones, using modern techniques and software tools (geostatistics, machine learning, etc.).
- The design and planning of surface and underground quarries of marble deposits and other natural stones, using modern techniques and software tools.
- Rock mechanics, geotechnical monitoring, support techniques and risk assessment.
- The physical and mechanical characteristics and the relevant tests applied for the characterization of marble and other natural stones.
- The processing of marble and other natural stones with emphasis on the production of high quality products and demand, the utilization of by-products in various applications, and the circular economy.
Having ensured the above abilities and skills, scientists-postgraduate students are able to transform their scientific knowledge into tangible results for their own benefit or that of society in general through their involvement in jobs in the marble and natural stone exploitation industry. Also, by receiving the Postgraduate Diploma, they acquire an additional professional route in a field with high demand of specialized scientists with sufficient knowledge, abilities and skills in the subjects treated by the Postgraduate Program.